The Tall Dark Lady Suite
Tall dark lady with your head in your hands
can't you hear me calling your name
A practical dreamer is sitting behind
find the meaning to all that is claimed
Deep dark depression, sensitive man
holds the worlds worries in his hands
Strengthen the fingers so they could withstand
the deep, dark depression
of a sensitive man
. . .
Sun, shine, show me your seasons
of love's blind desires
The ladies they look at me
Like the rain, it falls in the sea
All being is nothing without doing
I'm lying in waiting for you
The lady with dark hidden eyes
holds her head, inside mine
. . .
My heart's in my head
My head's in my hands
A lady calls on and on
. . .
The noun, The verb
Matter, Energy
Time, Space
Gravity, Light
The body, The soul
Reason, emotion
The poet, The poem
The prophet, the Bible
The One and The All
The All and The One
And on, And on , and on, and on and on. . . ………
. . .
It seems like today, that you'll never find a way
And surrender
Well there's always a way, it's how you feel today
Just remember
This song is easily one of my favorites, and I continue to work on it all the time. The tall dark lady symbolizes so much not only my piano but the goddess of creation, who I believe loves the poets and has given them the gift of creativity. Also the witch ceridwin, who's magic cauldron is the source of infinite wisdom. Also maybe Mother Nature herself, and thus leads the song into the nature of the universe or the nature of our minds, where everything is considered as static objects in motion, such that one cannot exist without the other, like the One or the All are both the same in the cosmic sense. Is God the only truly static entity?.
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Ó 2015 RawProductions